Angels in Reiki Practice and Life ; Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Angels in Reiki Practice and Life
The angels are among my best friends! The love I share with them is pure, sweet, unconditional and comforting.
My connection with the angels began a decade back, when they helped me cope with the passing on of my grandmother and helped remove a lot of fear and dark energy from my environment.
Thereafter, I have communicated with the angels at crucial moments in my life and expressed my deepest feelings to them. Whenever I could not share my feelings with human beings, I called upon these celestial beings and poured my heart out to them. And the best part is they always listened. Not only did they listen, but they also responded with unconditional love by sending help in the form of people or altered circumstances.

Image by K.Hurley
My connection with them deepened around the time that I decided to start teaching Reiki.
I was walking through a bookstore when my eyes happened to fall on the book “Healing with the Angels” by Doreen Virtue. I was instantly attracted to this book. Though a part of me really wanted that book, another part of me told me to wait for some time before reading it. So, I decided to wait.
A couple of months after I received the Master Degree attunement, I was guided to a workshop on “Healing with the Angels”. I also went on to read the book “Healing with the Angels” that I had seen at the bookstore. This was a period in life when I struggled to establish a Reiki Practice in circumstances that pushed me past my comfort zone. Doing the workshop and learning more about the angels was a significant milestone in my life. After doing this workshop, my connection with the angels deepened even further. They helped me set up my Reiki Practice. They also helped me face all the challenges that came along with choosing this path. They paved the way by helping me release and heal several patterns that were no longer serving me so I could be a better teacher myself.
As I went about establishing my Reiki practice, my connection with the angels became so strong that they are a part of everything I do today, including Reiki. I share all my ideas and feelings with them and they help me by working quietly behind the scenes.
Listed below are some aspects of my life, of which the angels form an integral part. If something resonates with you, know that the angels are trying to reach you through this piece of writing and wish to connect with you 🙂
The angels add a divine touch to Reiki healings and if you like the idea, you can try it yourself to see how it feels.
In my case, I often take the assistance of the angels when I do a Reiki healing, be it for others or for my own self. When I do a Reiki healing for someone, I do an Angel Card Reading prior to the healing session and request those angels who would be able to assist the client to step forward with their messages. I place the angel cards in the healing room and request the angels to help the client heal in the best possible way. Doing an angel card reading also helps me understand the root cause of a client’s issue and thereby helps me offer guidance along with the Reiki healing.

Image by bambe1964
The Angels in Reiki Attunements
The angels are present wherever healing work happens. So, it is only natural for them to be present during every Reiki attunement happening in the world!
During a Reiki attunement, I also request all those angels who would be of maximum help to the person receiving the attunement to step forward. I then go on to pick angel cards intuitively. I place all the angel cards in the attunement room, thereby enabling the person receiving the attunement to receive energies and blessings specific to him or her.
Healing Stubborn Blocks with the Angels
Often, it so happens that an underlying issue needs a deep healing through a conscious intervention before Reiki can balance stuck energies in specific locations of the energy field. In such cases, the angels can be of great assistance in helping us heal those underlying issues.
Whenever there are stubborn blocks to be healed, I invoke the angels (especially Archangels Michael and Raphael) and ask for their assistance in healing those blocks. If the energy seems to be stuck because of etheric cords between people, I request Archangel Michael to step forward and cut the cords. Once the cords are cut, the Reiki healing continues as usual and the area where the cords were cut is filled with Reiki. Once an area is healed fairly well with Reiki, I request Archangel Raphael to surround the area in his emerald green light in order to heal any residues that may be present.
Healing Personal Issues with the Angels
The best part about connecting with the angels is that we can share everything about our lives with them, without fear of being judged or ridiculed!
Whenever something bothers me, I write or type a letter to the angels and express my feelings to them. I know they listen each time because immediately after writing the letter, I feel a sense of peace. I feel deeply that the issue is now taken care of and I just have to let go and relax. And the issue is always taken care of and help from the angelic kingdom comes in varied ways!

The Angels as Our Friends
From my work with the angels, I have realised that the angels are absolutely unconditional beings who accept and love us exactly as we are. We don’t have to pretend or strive to be different to receive their love. Not only do they accept us as we are, but they also help us heal our lives in the most magical of ways. They help us see and appreciate the divinity within us, even when we feel poorly about ourselves. The angels are my best friends because I can be myself with them! I can talk to them like I talk to a friend and expect their unconditional support and love.
The angels can be your friends too and assist in every area of your life. They can help you with your Reiki practice, they can guide you as you practise self-healing or go about healing others, they can comfort you when you feel low and they can be by your side at all times. All you need to do is just ask. Ask and they will be there. And you will be surprised to find that they are among the sweetest of friends you could ever have! Angelic blessings to you. 🙂